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Another Successful Marketing Campaign for Why Media at the Centro Comercial La Marina!

   News / 05 Jan 2024

Published: 05 January 2024

During December, Why Media hosted a Big Bear Donation Christmas Campaign for the Centro Comercial La Marina as part of their Christmas Strategy - it was a great success!

The promotional video for the campaign involved different employees of the shopping centre. Doing so allowed for increased brand and campaign awareness, as shops were able to promote the donation on their own social channels. 

At Why Media, we understand the importance of utilising social channels in order to receive the biggest ROI - for this campaign, we decided to heavily promote using Instagram, TikTok and Facebook to reach our client's target audience. 

After many donations were received, the teddy bears were given to Finestrat Social Services to be distributed among those in need. Why Media received Spanish press from Finestrat Town Hall, detailing the campaign, as well as a post on their Facebook and Instagram accounts!

Finestrat Town Hall with The Big Bear Donation Campaign Donations

Mª Teresa Pérez Pérez, the councillor for Social Welfare in Finestrat, said "we would like to thank the collaboration of the Centro Comercial La Marina and the generosity of its visitors in donating these cuddly toys which, with great enthusiasm, we will send to the children of these families, both from the municipal Social Services and also from Cáritas Parroquial". 

Why Media is an award-winning design, marketing, digital communications and PR agency offering tailored solutions to companies on a global scale. We have extensive experience in delivering design and marketing services to a spectrum of companies, including professional services, property companies, financial institutions and shopping centres. We have offices in London UK, Hertford UK, Finestrat, Spain & Brescia, Italy.

Marketing Contact

Name:  Claire White
E-Mail:  claire@whymedia.com
Telephone:  020 3007 6002