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Why Media designs and develops new Power Cut 105 website for Energy Networks Association

   News / 21 Feb 2023

Published: 21 February 2023
Location: London, UK

Why Media, a leading digital agency, announces the completion of a new website design and development project for the Energy Networks Association (ENA). The new Power Cut 105 website was designed with accessibility, reliability, and access to information as its key points, ensuring that customers have quick and easy access to the information they need.

The project involved a complete redesign of the previous website, with the aim of improving the user experience and making it more user-friendly.

With a greater focus on energy in the UK this winter, it was important the website was developed quickly, and Why Media delivered a fast and efficient solution. The project also included a backup website build, which is essential in case the primary website goes down, ensuring that customers have access to the information they need in times of crisis.

"We are proud to have worked on this important project for the Energy Networks Association," says Carl Piper, Agency Partner at Why Media. "The Power Cut 105 website is critical for customers in times of need, and we have worked hard to make it accessible, reliable, and easy to use, so that customers can quickly access the information they need."

Why Media launches new Power Cut, Call 105 website.

Ross Easton, Interim Chief Executive of Energy Networks Association, said: "The Power Cut 105 website is a vital tool for our customers, providing them with essential information in the event of a power cut. We are grateful to Why Media for their work in developing this site, which is designed to make the customer experience as seamless as possible."

The Power Cut 105 website is now live and available for customers to use. Why Media continues to support the Energy Networks Association in their mission to support their members providing safe, secure and reliable energy to the UK and Ireland.

About Energy Networks Association

Energy Networks Association (ENA) is the industry body representing the electricity wires, gas pipes and energy system in the UK and Ireland. ENA helps its members meet the challenge of delivering electricity and gas to communities across the UK and Ireland safely, sustainably and reliably.


Why Media is an award-winning design, marketing, digital communications and PR agency offering tailored solutions to companies on a global scale. We have extensive experience in delivering design and marketing services to a spectrum of companies, including professional services, property companies, financial institutions and shopping centres. We have offices in London UK, Hertford UK, Finestrat, Spain & Brescia, Italy.

Marketing Contact

Name:  Claire White
E-Mail:  claire@whymedia.com
Telephone:  020 3007 6002