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Why UI, SEO and Bounce Rates are Top of the Agenda for Our Clients

   News / 02 Sep 2022

Published: 02 September 2022
Location: London, UK

UI, SEO and bounce rate are a few examples of the latest buzzwords relating to digital marketing. Additionally in the modern day, they are synonymous with “tech jargon”, plaguing meetings across the globe. This article will explain what is meant by these terms and how they actually affect what matters most to business owners, sales. 

Bounce rate is the percentage of single engagement on a site. Meaning a user is clicking on a given page and then interacting very little with the site before leaving. Having a high bounce rate, in most cases, leads to a page being ranked lower by a search engine. 

Different types of websites have different bounce rate percentages, and crucially for some websites, it is actually a benefit to have a high bounce rate, namely informational pages such as Wikipedia. Dictionaries, blogs and portals (Which are all informational sites) have an average bounce percentage of 65%-90%, this shows that these types of websites prefer having a higher percentage. Having a high bounce rate in this example is indicative of the user quickly finding the information they desired. So whenever bounce rate is mentioned, remember that different types of websites are aiming for different percentages.

If your bounce rate is higher than you would like it to be it could mean that your website has: 

  1. Poor navigation, leading to the user not wanting to stay on your website for a long period of time. 

  2. Unattractive design, having an unappealing website can very easily lead to people clicking on your website. 

  3. Poor keyword mismatch, this means that the keywords your website is associated with are not correlated with what users think they are. 

  4. Incorrect page landing, the page that appears at the top of the search engine is not the home page. Leading to people simply clicking away instead of navigating through our website. 

These 4 issues associated with a high bounce rate can easily be solved. 1 and 2 are solved with effective UI design and 3 and 4 with a proper understanding of SEO. 

Claire White, Agency Parnter at Why Media had this to say; “As always, the world of web, creative and marketing is constantly changing but in recent months we have seen a significant rise in the number of existing and new clients approach us asking about UI, SEO and bounce rate. Clients havealways understood the importance of investing in a bespoke website due to the endless benefits in comparison to a template website but, they haven’t always had ongoing SEO and UI investment on the agenda. We are seeing a growth in client understanding when it comes to website management, maintenance and evolution and consequently, Why Media has seen a large growth in businesses approaching the agency to manage  aspects such as their website content, keyword integration, page frames, user experience and more.

Due to the importance, Why Media has invested heavily in this service with state of the art SEO software, new, UK-based servers, experienced analytics and more.”

Why Media undertake website management for over 35 clients. 

UI simply stands for user interface, meaning the way us users can interact with the website, a good UI in a website, is a clean user-friendly and highly interactive page. The result of a good UI is a good experience, not only will customers trust your business as your website is clean and professional but vastly more likely to explore your website. By exploring the page and encouraging interaction our bounce rate will become much much less. With a good UI you will immediately solve problems 1 and 2, which are both synonymous with a high bounce rate. 

SEO means search engine optimisation, which aims to increase the amount of traffic of organic searches to your website, i.e real humans. This is done by having a site which is linked to authoritative, large sites, having proper correct keywording for your site and much more. This brief description I have for SEO is only the tip of the iceberg on the subject and I suggest for you to read further if you have found this subject interesting! But by utilising proper SEO we can fix problems 3 and 4 also. 

Winning the SEO war is much more than just having a website.

In conclusion, the world of page ranking and bounce rate is a multifaceted one with not only depth but breadth. Regardless I hope that I have given you a grounding in the terms UI, SEO and Bounce rate so that you can feel up to date and in the know in your next meeting. 

Why Media is an award-winning design, marketing, digital communications and PR agency offering tailored solutions to companies on a global scale. We have extensive experience in delivering design and marketing services to a spectrum of companies, including professional services, property companies, financial institutions and shopping centres. We have offices in London UK, Hertford UK, Finestrat, Spain & Brescia, Italy.

Marketing Contact

Name:  Claire White
E-Mail:  claire@whymedia.com
Telephone:  020 3007 6002